Create a personalised photo book from your own photos, choose book dimensions and cover design, plus page layouts to suit all tastes. Get started here:
Stickers on a roll is a practical and convenient way to store and use stickers for different projects and situations. They can be quickly and easily removed from the roll and stuck to the desired surface. Roll stickers are usually arranged in a roll or rolls as required. You can give the sticker any shape you want, it doesn't have…
UV print jätab vahele trüki kilele ning kile paigaldamise alusele ehk printimine toimub otse materjalile. Printi saab teostada suurtel kiirustel säilitades kõik kvaliteedistandardid ja keskkonnasõbralikkuse, olles samaaegselt praktiliselt lõhnatu. Üheks erisuseks võrreldes tavaprinteritega on selle tehnoloogia rohked ja uudsed lahendused, mis võimaldavad printi teostada otse erinevatele materjalidele. UV trükk on digitaaltrüki vorm, kus tindi kuivatamiseks kasutatakse ultraviolettkiirgust ehk UV valgusteid.…
Business publications contribute to the professional representation of your company and effective communication with customers, partners and employees. Business cards Guides Product reviews Price lists Product catalogues Presentation materials Learning materials Conference materials Blankets
UUDIS: Lisaks tavapärastele värvidele saame nüüd trükkida ka VALGET, KULDSET ja HÕBEDAT ning lisaks sellele ka läbipaistvat KOHTLAKKI. Need võimalused lisavad teie trükistele rohkem eripära ja püüavad pilke! Digitrükk on kaasaegne ja paindlik trükitehnoloogia, mis sobib hästi mitmesuguste trükiste, nagu visiitkaardid, brošüürid, plakatid ja kleebised jms tootmiseks. Digitrükk võimaldab trükiseid kiiresti ja tõhusalt valmistada. Digitrükis saab saavutada peened detailid ja…
Laiformaatrükk on võime printida suurtele pindadele. See sobib suurepäraselt suurte plakatite, bännerite ja reklaammaterjalide tootmiseks. Laiformaatrüki abil saab printida ka väikseid kleebiseid spetsiaalsetele ilmastikukindlatele materjalidele, nagu vinüül või spetsiaalne ilmastikukindel kleebismaterjal. Need materjalid on vastupidavad päikesevalgusele, vihmale, tuulele ja muudele keskkonnamõjudele. Reklaamkleebiseid sise- ja välistingimustesse Autokleebised Aknakleebised, uksekleebised Plakatid Bännerid Roll-Upid Erikujulised (väljalõigatud) kleebised Lamineeritud kleebised PVC plaadid (välitingimuste jaoks…
Offset printing allows very accurate colour tones and consistent colour quality to be achieved in larger quantities. Offset printing is suitable for large print runs, but is also suitable for smaller print runs where the customer has a strong desire for colour accuracy and the specific characteristics of offset printing. Business cards Leaflets Postcards Posters Blankets Document covers Catalogues /…
Embossing and letterpress printing are two different printing technologies used for various types of printed invitations, including cards, in the production of business cards, packaging and other printed materials. These technologies offer different effects and designs for printed matter. Embossing: brings the image up from the inside of the paper surface. Embossing: an image is pressed into the paper. Business…
Hotpress foil printed surfaces have an exceptionally shiny, metallic effect that attracts attention and gives prints an exclusive look. Hotpress foil can be adapted for a variety of designs and publications ranging from business cards, invitations to book covers.
Thermal printing is limited to one or two colour prints and is well suited for printing text and small details. It is more commonly used on business cards and invitations.